Thursday, November 5, 2009

Heartbreak in the 408.

Stress and bad timing you will be the death of me.

Time to just do work son.

I realize I have a lot of work ahead of me, but for the first time in my life I want nothing other than to start hacking away at the mountain of bad decisions that I have made, and start wiping away each mistake with some hard work and good decisions. For the first time, doing the right thing is more important than having fun.

That is a very, very foreign idea to me.

What is fun and easy is what is best right?


Good thing it only took me 23 years to learn and not a few more decades.

I was really depressed for a while.
Well for years.

But my old man gave me some perspective.

I dont have any kids. (Praise Jesus!)
I dont have bad credit or heaps of debt.
I am in good health.

So basically I just have to start from scratch, that's not so bad.

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate
but that we are powerful beyond measure
imagine the possibilities...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov 3rd, 2009 11:52 pm A heart's hope

So I dont really know if I am over her or not yet, but it still makes me happy when I look at her picture.
I dont really know if I am over her yet but it still makes me sad when I look at her picture.

Time the only thing we have so much of, we had so little.
Time the only thing we had so little of, we had so much.

Nov 2, 2009 9:14 am Real Talk

Its kinda hard to explain the place I find myself in today. Not where I am physically located, but the condition of my heart. Im pretty sad, but I am not depressed. Sometimes there are good reasons to be sad, and last night was the end of a very good thing in my life, so I am sad.

But through the pain, I find a clarity. A focus, a precise, clear, and entirely sober reality. I know what I want and I know how to get it.

I dont know if I will succeed, but it is like Wayne Gretsky said, "100% of the shots you dont take are missed ones." or something along those lines haha.

Chin up, eyes on the horizon.